
 Journal Articles

Is polygyny a ‘harmful cultural practice’? Marriage, food insecurity and child health in northern Tanzania

Lawson, DW; James, S; Ngadaya, E; Ngowi B; Mfinangam S; Hartwig, K; & Borgerhoff Mulder, M (2015) Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Child Health in Northern Tanzania: Maasai Pastoralists are Disadvantaged Compared to Neighboring Ethnic Groups

Lawson, DW; Borgerhoff Mulder, M; Ghiselli M; Endagaya E; Ngowi B; James, S; et al (2014) Ethnicity and Child Health in Northern Tanzania: Maasai Pastoralists are Disadvantaged Compared to Neighboring Ethnic Groups. PLoS ONE 9 (10): e1 10447. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110447

Attitudinal and Behavioral Characteristics Predict High Risk Sexual Activity in Rural Tanzanian Youth

Aichele SR, Borgerhoff Mulder M, James S; Grimm K (2014) Attitudinal and Behavioral Characteristics Predict High Risk Sexual Activity in Rural Tanzanian Youth. PLoS ONE 9(6): e99987. dol:10.1371/Journal.pone.0099987

Whole Village Project

Platform for Evaluation

District & Village Reports

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